Monday, 12 July 2010

Rolling my kayak

Finally got round to rolling the kayak this weekend. I was pretty happy with how it handled and looking forward to many hours getting wet in it.


  1. Hi,

    looking good!

    The squeeking sound I hear, is that from the qajaq itself or something else?


  2. hi Mans,
    jupp thats the frame complaining, I don't know if thats normal :)

    How is your build going? It would be nice to meet up when your done and have a paddle.


  3. Hi Rob,

    well I haven't been able to prioritize my build this year, I 'm afraid. But, now I have picked it up again and just finished the deck ridges. I plan to make a trial run using plastic/duct tape, hopefully today. Then you know better than me what's left to do, right?

    Great idea to meet up and have a paddle! Can't really say when I will be ready for it though, but my plan is to be done with the build before this summer season ends...


  4. Btw, what material did u use for sewing the skin? Cunningham suggests unwaxed dental floss, but it turns out it isn't easy to get.


  5. Hi, I use the "Najgarn" from Elfa, nbut I cannot find it in there product list now.
    But Fly fishing back line(braided dacron), i also found a link to these:
    But it could be expensive.

    Here are a few tips:
    Hope you find something.

  6. Thanks, I finally found unwaxed dental floss but also bought some synthetic quite thick sewing thread. I'll decide later which I'll use.



  7. Hi again...I've skinned half the kayak and I'm about to get some urethan paint for the skin. What Coelan paint did u use and are you happy with it?


  8. Hi, great news about the skinning. I used "Coelan Boat-coating" a very expensive product but it covers well and it makes for a very durable surface. Heres is the product sheet:

    I brought from one of there sales rep in rönninge the site is:

    He is a real character and he will talk you to death trying to advise differant products and that this product will not work, but as long as you know what you want it ok.
    I have also heard that is cheaper to order it from germany with the packaging included I havn't tryed this.
    I used the coating together with the white pigment and som of there thinner for cleaning. I didn't add any thinner to the first coats but if you should maybe try out a test covering on som spare material with and without, to see if you get a better cover/less coelan with/without thinner.

    Good luck

  9. Great, thanks a lot for this very useful information. Just talked to this guy in Rönninge, and yes, he's a real character. Funny guy...
    I'm trying to find out how much of it I need (it's darn expensive...), is three layers of it enough do you think? How much did u use?


  10. Hi måns, sorry I have been away. I cannot really remmeber. But I think it was about 3 or 4 cans of boat building coating.

  11. Hi Rob,

    I was thinking it would be fun too hook up and paddle sometime, and have a look at your build. I found no email address on your blog but maybe you read your blog posts occasionally.
    Please drop me a note if you're interested at




  13. Hi Rob
    I'm building with Culinghams book too just now, and I've found your very intersting blog. Great baot you've made, by gosh!
    I've a question: I own and run a website dedicated to ecological travel world wide.
    Beisdes other stuff I've an area where I show home made projects of any kind, e.g. making a means of transportation. There are already a few entries in, and I'd really like to put your work with photos and comments in there in english and in german as well.
    An example how this could look like can be found here:

    Could you please tell me wheter you allow me to use your blog as a source for this? The copyright remains your, of course, and you will be mantioned with your full name as the builder of this boat as well.
    I've seen that there are very few articles available in german about this subject, and therefore it is of great interest to all of our users to have your blog available in german too.

    I'm expecting your answer with interest.

    Happy building and paddling as well
